The curious cat asks the curious questions


How does the subscription work?

Select a subscription plan that works for you, and we will take it from there! All you need to do is ensure you will receive your box monthly.

No commitment whatsoever! We charge you monthly, and you can cancel anytime through the website.

3,6 and 12-Month Plans:
You will not be able to cancel your subscription until 3, 6, or 12 orders are completed. However, you can pause (up to 3 months) and skip a month if you are out of town! Contact us by email and WhatsApp at least 7 days before 15th of the month (our usual billing date), and we will arrange it for you.

When will I receive my boxes?

First box

We will ship your first box immediately after your subscription is confirmed.

Second box onwards

All the subsequent boxes will ship in the first week of the month. After that, we will manually adjust your order to ensure you will not be charged twice and receive more than one monthly subscription box.

Can I have Red or White wines only?

At this moment, we are not able to cater to individual preferences yet. However, the advantage of having a monthly subscription wine service is to try wines you usually wouldn't, to explore and be inspired. So be open-minded to welcome new learnings!

Can I update my card details and delivery address?

Yes, and it's effortless! You can do so by logging into the "Manage subscription" portal on the website.

Can I add products from the a-la-carte selection to be shipped with the subscription box?

You can do it in your manage subscription portal under "Add product."
You will receive your new purchases with the box in the first week of the coming month. However, if you want to receive it earlier, please purchase it separately. Shipping will be calculated at check out and free if the order is over HKD 1,000.

Still have more questions?

Contact us!